Sélection | |
fc | 1 |
p_value | 0.05 |
transform | FALSE |
adcode | FALSE |
analyse_type | QC |
annotation_column | CellSubset |
batch | acqdate |
cluster_id | cluster_id |
conditions | cond |
log_bar | FALSE |
min_cells | 10 |
path | /root/analycyte-projects/demo_chkv/0823ECE7 |
project | demo chkv |
rds | dataFE.rds |
show_parameters | TRUE |
show_summary | TRUE |
show_heatmap_on_off | TRUE |
sorted | TRUE |
plot_legends | Gender |
Quality Control Report
demo chkv
This document has been formated using knitr
1 and quarto
1 Features summary
Sample table with information on conditions (cond), batch (acqdate), ncells (Number of Cells)
- percent.cluster : Percentage of clusters with cells (> 10 cells) in this fcs. see 1
1.0.1 Number of fcs per conditions
Acute | Conv |
43 | 43 |
Information on metaclusters is grouped in this table with the number of cells and the corresponding description.
- n_cells : Number of cells in the cluster.
- percent.n_cells : Percentage of total cells in the cluster.
- percent.fcs : Percentage of samples with cells (> 10 cells) in this cluster. see 1
A total of 37 markers are included in this analysis report.
Type markers (7): CD19, CD38, CD4, CD45RA, CD54, CD8, CXCR5.
State markers (30): CCR4, CCR5, CCR6, CCR7, CD11b, CD11c, CD123, CD127, CD14, CD141, CD16, CD161, CD1c, CD20, CD209, CD25, CD27, CD3, CD40, CD45, CD56, CD57, CD66b, CD80, CD86, CHIKV, CX3CR1, CXCR3, HLADR, PD1.
2 Presence / Absence data
With a minimum of 10 per cluster.
3 Number of cells Barplot
Check the number of cells in each fcs.
Controls the possible association with a batch effect.
Bars are sorted by conditions. Annotations columns are added on the barplot’s top to control possible batch effects.
Less cells fcs : 55 1885 Acute (1446 cells), 43 1863 Acute (3493 cells), 59 1889 Acute (3549 cells), 21 1823 Acute (3807 cells), 19 1822 Acute (4087 cells), 41 1862 Acute (4171 cells)
0% | 25% | 50% | 75% | 100% |
1446 | 8309.25 | 12556.5 | 16110.25 | 24631 |
Less cells clusters : T Cell_unassigned (0.01%), Debris (0.11%), Dendritic Cell (Type 1, CD141+) (0.16%), Basophil (0.18%), CD4+ T Cell (EMRA) (0.23%), CD8+ T Cell (Effector Memory) (0.24%)
4 Density Heatmap
A special distance method, denoted as ‘ks,’ measures the similarity between distributions by computing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic between two distributions.
5 MFI’s Heatmap
- Check or help annotate clusters.
The input is the MFI cluster x marker array. The MFI is already transformed (typically using asinh(intensity/cofactor)).
Heatmap of the MFI with clusters in rows and markers in columns.
A barplot shows the number of cells in each metacluster.
The first heatmap covers all fcs.
6 Mfi x Abundance Heatmap
Heatmap grouping the MFI of each marker per cluster and cluster abundance per fcs.
MFIs are normalized per line between 0 and 1 to give a comparable distribution of marker expression per cluster.
Markers are grouped hierarchically to facilitate cluster reading/interpretation.
Relative abundances shown on the second heat map are transformed abundances relative to the cluster mean. The green-purple color scale applies to the entire matrix.
7 Abundance Heatmap
Visualize samples organized according to hierarchical grouping or by condition.
Check that sample states are homogeneous; identify outliers or gender effects.
Check whether conditions have already been separated.
Percentage heatmap with samples in columns and clusters in rows.
By default, clusters and samples are grouped using hierarchical clustering. It is also possible to classify samples by condition, gender or patient, and to give clusters as an ordered vector.
Group abundance is shown in the right-hand barplot with log values.
8 PCA of samples using percentages per cluster
Visualize samples in a reduced space.
Check that sample states are homogeneous; identify outliers or gender effects.
Check whether conditions can already be separated.
Based on the
[tbd] PCA function.
Input is the percentages table sample x cluster. Percentages are previously transformed with asinh(%+cte) with cte = 0.03 and centered by cluster.
check that the first 2 or 3 components retains the main information
Graphical figures generated with
3 functions.
8.1 Barplot of variance of each PC
8.2 Dim.1 vs Dim.2
Are annotated on biplot the correlations with cos2 on axes 1, 2 > to the cos2 mean
8.3 Dim.1 vs Dim.3
Are annotated on biplot the correlations with cos2 on axes 1, 3 > to the cos2 mean
8.4 Dim.2 vs Dim.3
Are annotated on biplot the correlations with cos2 on axes 2, 3 > to the cos2 mean
8.5 Contribution and Correlation of variables to each axis
The table presents contributions, ensuring that at least one parameter within the first five primary dimensions contributes a minimum of 1%.
9 PCA of samples using MFI
Plot variables in order to identify their contribution to each PC
PCA of samples using MFI per cluster Similar to Nowicka et al., but at the clustering level (not the cell level).
View the samples in a reduced space.
Verify that States of samples are homogeneous; identify outliers or Gender effects.
Check if the conditions could already be separated.
Input is the MFI table sample x cluster. MFI are previously transformed.
- Based on the
[tbd] PCA function.
9.1 Dim.1 vs Dim.2
Are annotated on biplot the correlations with cos2 on axes 1, 2 > to the cos2 mean
9.2 Dim.1 vs Dim.3
Are annotated on biplot the correlations with cos2 on axes 1, 3 > to the cos2 mean
9.3 Dim.2 vs Dim.3
Are annotated on biplot the correlations with cos2 on axes 2, 3 > to the cos2 mean
9.4 Contribution and Correlation of variables to each axis
The table presents contributions, ensuring that at least one parameter within the first five primary dimensions contributes a minimum of 1%.
- counts: Raw count abundances.
- perCellCounts: Frequencies abundances.
- perCellCountsNorm: Argsinh frequencies / 0.03 then centered by the mean per clusters.